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Report Rules

Table 1 : LinkSOFT reports and report rules.


Report Rules

Account Payment 80mm
  1. Receipt Footer Message below barcode - This is an open text field. Users can configure a message that will appear on the receipts.
Customer Balance - Age
Customer Statement Aging Method
  1. Customer Statement by "Month" will show the balances for each month.
  2. When the statement aging method is standard, the system uses the below breakdown:
    • Current bracket: transactions dated between zero and 30 days
    • 31-60 bracket: transactions dated between 31 and 60 days
    • 60-90 bracket: transactions dated between 61 and 90 days.
    • 90+ bracket: transactions dated more than 90 days
Customer Balance Listing
Customer Statement Aging Method
  1. Customer Statement by "Month" will show the balances for each month.
  2. When the statement aging method is standard, the system uses the below breakdown:
    • Current bracket: transactions dated between zero and 30 days
    • 31-60 bracket: transactions dated between 31 and 60 days
    • 60-90 bracket: transactions dated between 61 and 90 days.
    • 90+ bracket: transactions dated more than 90 days
Customer Statement
  1. Customer Statement Aging Method
    1. Customer Statement by "Month" will show the balances for each month.
    2. When the statement aging method is standard, the system uses the below breakdown:
      • Current bracket: transactions dated between zero and 30 days
      • 31-60 bracket: transactions dated between 31 and 60 days
      • 60-90 bracket: transactions dated between 61 and 90 days.
      • 90+ bracket: transactions dated more than 90 days
  2. Overdue Message to display in Customer Statement - This is an open text field. Users can configure a message that will appear on the statement.
Debtor Balance As At (FMIS)
  1. Debtor Period 1 days
  2. Debtor Period 2 days
  3. Debtor Period 3 days
Delivery Docket 80mm
  1. Receipt Footer Message below barcode - This is an open text field. Users can configure a message that will appear on the receipts.
Float 80mm
  1. Receipt Footer Message below barcode - This is an open text field. Users can configure a message that will appear on the receipts.
On Account Payment/Adjustment 80mm
  1. Receipt Footer Message below barcode - This is an open text field. Users can configure a message that will appear on the receipts.
  1. Do not show the following Leave Codes on the payslip. (Comma-separated e,g "ASL,LWOP") - Users can configure leave codes.  Leave details for these leave codes will not be printed in the payslip of the employee.
Payslip A4
  1. Do not show the following Leave Codes on the payslip. (Comma-separated e,g "ASL,LWOP") - Users can configure leave codes.  Leave details for these leave codes will not be printed in the payslip of the employee.
POS IMAS Integration
  1. Email Body
Purchase Order Reprint
  1. Purchase Order Footer Notes
  2. Purchase Order Header Notes
Receipt 80mm
  1. Receipt Footer Message
  2. Receipt Footer Message below barcode
  3. Print Company Logo
  4. Print Kit Parent Items
  5.  Print Price Class Items
 Receipt A4
  1. Receipt Footer Message
  2. Print Kit Parent Items
  3. Print Price Class Items
  4. Print Tax Amount in each line
Receipt Bulk/Non-Bulk 80mm
  1. Footer Message Below Barcode - Users can define the footer notes.  Footer notes will be printed on the Bulk/Non Bulk  receipts under the barcode.
  2. Layout Format  - The Layout Format can be "Normal" or "Restaurant"
    1. Normal - Items will be listed with the product description and BIN.
    2. Restaurant - Items will be listed with the product description under the heading "FOOD".
  3. Print Kit Parent Items - When set to "Yes", bulk receipt will show parent kit item breakdown.
  4. Print Price Class Items - When set to "Yes", bulk receipt will show class item breakdown.
  5. Show Previously Printed  Park Item
    1. If this configuration is set to "Yes", items added to a parked transaction will be printed on the slip with existing items.
      • For example, customer A ordered Pizza. This transaction was parked. After a while customer orders fries, cashier will add fries to the parked transaction containing Pizza. When the Bulk/Non Bulk slip will be printed,both Pizza and Fries will appear on the slip.
    2. If this configuration is set  to "No", only new items added to the parked transaction will be printed.
      • Referring to the above example, when the Bulk/Non Bulk slip will be printed only  Fries will appear on the slip.
  6. Strikeout Previously Printed Park Item
    1. If this configuration is set to "Yes", items already parked will be crossed off when a new item is added.
      • For example, customer A ordered Pizza. Transaction was parked with Pizza. Customer A then added fries to the transaction. When the Bulk/Non Bulk slip will be printed, Pizza will be crossed off from the slip.
 Shift Close Report
  1. Print Company Logo
  2. Show Sales By Category
  3. Show Sales By Item
Tax Deduction Report by State
  1. Pay codes to exclude from Emolument
  2. Pay codes to include in Emolument
  3. Pay types to include in Emolument
  4. Pay codes to exclude from BAS-Emolument
  5. Pay codes to include in BAS-Emolument
  6. Pay types to include in BAS-Emolument
  7. Subtract Pre-tax Deductions from BAS-Emolument
Tax Return Report (FMIS)
  1.  Tax Code 1 to Tax Code 4 - Enter the tax labels that should be used as "Headers" on the "Tax Return Report" for the tax breakdown
  2.  Reportable Tax Code - Enter the tax labels that should used to compute the VAT portion on the "Fiji VAT Report"